Mielke Karin RN Foot Care Nurse
Kitchener ON

63 Wren Pl Kitchener, ON N2A 1L8
(519) 893-5459


Karin Mielke is a certified foot care provider of basic and advanced diabetic foot care, and is a registered nurse with 25 years of working experience in seniors, community and pediatric settings. Services are provided in your home or place of residence in the Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas. Karin Mielke is a Registered Nurse (RN), which means that, unlike a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), she can answer any other health questions you may have. She offers nail and skin care treatments that include nail cutting, foot rubs and other non-invasive treatments. Your toes and feet will look and feel better after treatment from Karin Mielke RN Foot Care Nurse.Maintaining foot health is important at all stages and ages of life, because how well you care for your feet today will affect the health and functioning of not only your feet but the entire body in later life. Nursing foot care treats nail and skin conditions to improve appearance, health and functioning of the feet. Visits are scheduled every 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the growth of your nails. Initial visits take a maximum of 1.5 hours, thereafter visits are 45 minutes to an hour. In addition to treatment, Karin Mielke RN Foot Care Nurse can assist you with diabetic foot screening and testing for neuropathy, as well as identification of risk factors for problems related to existing disease. Call today to receive convenient, in-home treatment for all types of foot and neuropathy disorders. The cost is only $40 per visit, payable by cash or cheque. DVA coverage for veterans is accepted.
Diagnose Neuropathy, Foot Care, Foot Skin Care
Payment Methods